The Bond Store, Kapiti NZ

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Reuse is King at Kāpiti Craft Distillery The Bond Store

Glass Packaging Forum: March 2020

When it comes to sustainability the waste hierarchy is the simplest and often best guideline, and it’s no different for packaging.

In the hierarchy reuse is king and no other packaging material is better suited to this than glass. While reusing glass bottles and jars at scale around New Zealand isn’t environmentally or economically sustainable, there are a growing number of producers servicing their local areas offering a reuse option.

The Bond Store Gin and Vodka distillery in Kapiti Coast is one such example. Owners Bec Kay and Chris Barber supply their craft-distilled creations to restaurants and cafes in plastic crates, rather than cardboard, and take the glass bottles back to be washed and reused.

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